Champions for Mental Health
Our Valued Supporters on this Shared Journey
Message from our Executive Director

Thank YOU for investing in the Arkansas children and families in our care! YOU help create brighter futures for those who have experienced trauma and struggle with their mental health. YOUR GIFTS allow children to enjoy peace and comfort, mothers to overcome addiction and become better parents, students to have the space to learn at their own pace and all these Arkansans to feel safe and supported.
Because many of our clients are in the foster care system or come from low-income circumstances, the Foundation works to ensure that those in our care are getting the necessities and therapeutic tools they require to heal and find hope for their future. We remain steadfast in fulfilling our mission to provide the best possible care to those who need our help. Unfortunately the need for mental health services has not subsided. Many Arkansans still face life-altering trauma that could affect their future.
The more we come together, the more lives we can change. From donating online, attending an event or volunteering your time, we invite you to consider a contribution that works best for you. Every gift—time, talent or treasure—makes a difference in the life of someone working to build a better future.

Amanda Smith, CFRE

Our Partners:

Our Giving Societies
The Foundation is honored to work with so many community-minded partners who are dedicated to giving back to Arkansas children and families in need. Our giving societies recognize the generosity of the individuals and organizations who go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. We offer our sincerest gratitude for all who support our mission to help thousands of Arkansans find hope, comfort, and stability every year.
Need More Information?
Email Methodist Family Health Foundation at or call 501-906-4253.

FY24 Giving Societies
The George Thornburgh Society
Colonel George Thornburgh, a Methodist layman and successful businessman, is regarded as the founder of the Arkansas Methodist Orphanage. While serving as the third superintendent of the orphanage in the early 1900s, he led one of the earliest fundraising initiatives in Arkansas, an ambitious and successful $25,000 campaign to erect a new facility to serve as a modern new home of the orphanage.
Membership in the George Thornburgh Society recognizes a one-time gift or cumulative lifetime gifts to Methodist Family Health Foundation of $25,000 or more, as of June 30, 2024. ♰Deceased *New Member
- Anonymous (8)
- Beth Abbott
- Lewese♰ and Jon Ahrens
- Myra and Andy Altom
- Arkansas Arts Council
- Arkansas Children's Hospital
- Arkansas Community Foundation
- Arkansas Economic Development Commission
- Paul Arnold
- Rebecca and Ritter Arnold
- Bancorp South Insurance Services, Inc.
- Bank OZK
- Sue♰ and Sid Brain*
- Mary♰ and Robert♰ Branch
- Rhonda and Jim Carroll*
- Rev. J. Wayne and Rynnett Clark
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clerget
- Rachel and Jake Commer
- Dr.♰ and Mrs. George Cone
- Kim and Steve Cox*
- Crain Automotive
- Crews & Associates
- Datamax, Inc.
- Deborah and Ray Dillon
- E. Ritter and Company
- Ellen♰ and Don♰ Edmondson
- First Security Bank - Searcy
- Judy Fletcher East
- Cecile and Gil♰ Foresman
- Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
- Dr. Rita Galloway
- Mary Lue♰ and Bill Gibbs
- Gill Ragon Owen Attorneys
- Marjem and John Gill
- Jan Green
- Marci Hall
- HCJ CPAs & Advisors
- HealthSCOPE Benefits, Inc.
- Heart of Arkansas United Way
- Carolyn M. Henslee♰
- Jane Hunt
- Kerry and Charlie Jackson
- Palmer and Al Johnston
- Kathleen Kennally and Mark Holder
- Iva and Bill Krogman
- Jean and Terry Landrum
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long
- Judith and Charles♰ Long
- J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
- Karon and Bill Mann
- Cynthia and Walt Mashburn
- Carolyn and Craig McCone
- Mr. Vernon McDaniel
- Methodist Family Health
- Karen and Mike♰ Millar
- Marilyn and Joel Newcome
- Angela and Chris Newell
- The William C. and Theodosia Murphy Nolan Foundation
- Mrs. M.E. Peace♰
- Ella Mae and Edgar♰ Poag
- Joyce and Chris Poole
- Augustus H. Pugh
- Mrs. Betty Regnier
- Paula and Robert Reynolds
- Riggs Benevolent Fund
- Lila♰ and Jack♰ Riggs
- Sally and Keith Riggs
- Rittwood Farms Company, Inc.
- Mr. and Mrs. Reynie Rutledge
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ryan
- Trish and Kurt Searvogel
- Shuler Drilling Company
- Nancy♰ and Neill M. Sloan
- Cathy and Bill Spivey
- St. Francis Ministries of Phillips County
- Genevieve H. and William A.♰ Strong
- Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable & Educational Trust
- W.P. Sturgis Foundation
- The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas
- U.S. Bank
- Mary and Clef Vaughan
- Pat and James Wallis
- Alice Ann and Joe Watkins
- Debbie and Don Weaver
- Windgate Charitable Foundation
- Melissa and Keith Wrenn
The Coy-Roots-Tabor Heritage Society
Mrs. L.W. Coy, Mrs. L.H. Roots and Mrs. E.A. Tabor were three of the earliest benefactresses of the Methodist Orphanage, jointly donating a building and property at 15th and Commerce streets in Little Rock, which became the first home of the orphanage. Membership in the Coy-Roots-Tabor Heritage Society recognizes the commitment of a planned gift. ♰Deceased *New Member
Please let us know if you have included Methodist Family Health Foundation in your estate plan and allow us the opportunity to thank you and verify how you would like to be listed in our Coy-Roots-Tabor Heritage Society.
Stated Planned Gifts
- Myra and Andy Altom
- Jane♰ and William Arthurs
- Catherine and Howard Cockrill
- Ashley Riggin Coldiron
- Cecile and Gil♰ Foresman
- Marjem and John Gill
- Max Goolsby
- Jan Green
- Jonelle Ryan and Billy Gene Jones
- Nancy and Earl♰ McClure
- Carolyn and Craig McCone
- Jacqulyn P. Murphy
- Kari and Dan Rohrbaugh
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rush*
- Geraldine♰ and Paul Stiedle
- Steven C. Trolinger
- Judy Vasser
- Mary and Clef Vaughan
- Warren Family Trust
- Cap Whitley
- Anonymous (1)
Received Estate and Trust Gifts ◊
◊The estates & trusts listed recognize gifts to Methodist Family Health Foundation of $25,000 or more, as of June 30, 2024, that are not duplicated in the George Thornburgh Society.
- Myra M. Abrignani Estate
- Seth W. Baker, Jr. Estate
- John and Barbara Bragg Charitable Remainder Trust
- Lillian Mae Calvert Living Revocable Trust
- Milton D. and Mary C. Campbell Joint Revocable Trust
- Olin C. Chambers Trust
- Donald and Joyce Davis Trust*
- Donald R. Dearing and Martha M. Dearing Trust
- Elizabeth W. Fries Estate
- Conway and Margaret George Charitable Trust
- Corinne W. George Trust
- Aline Gill Estate
- Maxine S. Gregg Estate
- Hall Revocable Trust
- John A. Henson Trust
- Walter B. Huff Estate
- Geneva I. Hughes Estate
- Julia Mae Jackson Estate
- Rev. Robert and Helen Johnson Endowment
- Ura Mae Johnston Trust
- Kerkhoff Family Trust
- Clyde Langford Jr. Estate
- Gradelle Leigh Trust
- L.A. Logan Estate
- Magale Endowment Trust
- Nell S. Martin Endowment
- Robert McPherson Trust
- Rev. Curtis E. Monroe Estate
- Alline M. Montgomery Estate
- B.C. Pickens Trust
- John H. Reese Endowment
- Thomas Edward Rimmerman Trust
- Marion and Miriam Rose Trust
- The Reverend Mitchell and Gladys Masters Sanford Endowment
- Velma E. Shaffer Estate
- Elizabeth H. Snyder Trust
- Geraldine H and Paul Stiedle Estate
- Melda Strickland Estate
- William A. Strong Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charles and Mary Vinzant Joint Irrevocable Trust
- Alma Welton Trust
- Mildred L. Wilson Memorial Trust
- Juanita Annette Wood Estate
- Hazel Marie Wright Estate
The James M. Workman Society
Beginning in 1899, Reverend James M. Workman served as the first Agent of the Methodist Orphanage while also pastor of Asbury Church in Little Rock. He was responsible for soliciting, managing and distributing funds for the creation and opening of the orphanage.
Membership in the James M. Workman Society recognizes either a one time or cumulative gift(s) of $1,000 or more to Methodist Family Health Foundation during the previous fiscal year, July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024. ♰Deceased *New Member
- Anonymous (8)
- Beth Abbott
- Mrs. Bobbie R. Adkinson
- Lewese† and Jon Ahrens
- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Albert
- Myra and Andy Altom
- Arkansas Arts Council
- Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- Arkansas Children's Hospital
- Arkansas Continued Care Hospital of Jonesboro
- Arkoma Consulting Inc.
- Jane† and William Arthurs
- Arvest Foundation*
- Steve W. Babcock
- Joyce and Hunter Babin
- Linda and Donald Bacon
- Brenda and Bob Bailey
- Bank OZK
- Nancy and Charles Banks
- Linda H. Barnes
- Dr. and Mrs. Jim Bell
- Drew and Brian Benham*
- Mr.† and Mrs. Robert M. Berry
- Bi-Partisan Strategies, Inc.
- Sylvia and John Borchert
- Laura and Douglas Borg
- Mrs. Luana Bracy
- Sue† and Sid Brain
- Robert B. Branch, Sr.
- Jean Brown
- Melanie and Matt Buchanan
- Brian Bush
- C.B. Foundation
- Elizabeth and Aaron Caldwell*
- CareSource PASSE*
- Rhonda and Jim Carroll
- Mr. George Charles*
- Rev. J. Wayne & Rynnett Clark
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clerget
- Dr. and Mrs. Charles Clogston
- Rachel and Jake Commer
- Jena Compton*
- Cousins' Office Furniture*
- Datamax, Inc.
- Delta Dental of Arkansas
- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Derickson
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickey
- Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dobson
- Maurica and William Dooley
- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duckett
- Shirley Dugger*
- Pam and Robert Edwards
- Susan Elliott
- Empower Healthcare Solutions*
- Dr. Randy Ennen
- Entergy Arkansas
- Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Farley
- Mr. and Mrs. Trent Felton
- First Electric Trust
- First Orion*
- Judy Fletcher East
- Cecile and Gil† Foresman
- Martha and Andrew Frits
- Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
- Charlotte and Jim Gadberry
- Alicia and Craig Gammon
- Garver, LLC
- Gill Ragon Owen Attorneys
- Dr. and Mrs. Charles Glasier
- Max Goolsby
- Rev. Keith Goza*
- Jan Green
- Marci Hall
- HCJ CPAs & Advisors
- Heart of Arkansas United Way
- Karla and Tommy Hilburn
- Dr. and Mrs. Mike Hillis
- Louise and Charles B.† Holmes
- Barbara House*
- Susan Insell
- Arita and Tom Jewart
- Harriet and James Johnson
- Al and Palmer Johnston
- Diane and Bill Johnston
- W. W. and Anne Jones Charitable Trust
- Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. Keith
- Kinco Constructors
- Edward Jones - Kevin Kordsmeier
- Becky and Jerry Kossover
- Mrs. Marlo Krueger*
- Jenny and Brian Kubacak
- Mrs. Barbara Landes
- Lewis Architects Engineers
- Dr. and Mrs. Kim Light
- Little Rock Christian Academy*
- Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr.*
- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lockhart
- The Magale Foundation, Inc.
- Karon and Bill Mann
- Cynthia and Walt Mashburn
- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Matthews
- Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. May*
- Mr. Vernon McDaniel
- Mr. Dean McDougald*
- Mrs. Frances McGill
- Methodist Behavioral Hospital
- Methodist Family Health, Inc.
- The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas
- Karen and Mike† Millar
- Carl Miller, Jr.
- Caroline and Chuck Mischke
- Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Moore
- Donna Morey
- Dorothy C. Morey
- Alicia H. Mosley
- Marilyn and Joel Newcome
- Angela and Chris Newell
- Jeanie E. Norcross*
- OneDigital Health & Benefits
- Mrs. Nancy Osmon
- Josie and Dale Payne
- Pettus Workplace Solutions
- Kirby Pickens and Family
- Ella Mae and Edgar† Poag
- Mr. Edgar D. Poag
- Joyce and Chris Poole
- Ms. Lee Powell
- ProAct Inc. Pharmacy Benefit Management
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pruitt
- Augustus H. Pugh
- Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull PLLC
- Beverly and Harrison Ralph
- Mr. Charles L. Rasberry*
- Rev. and Mrs. Henry "Buddy" Ratliff
- Dee and Don Riggin
- Mr. and Mrs. D.K. Robinson
- Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rose*
- Sherry Rowbotham
- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rowland
- Mr. and Mrs. Shon Rupert
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saviers
- The Schmieding Foundation
- Deborah and John Shannon
- Sara M. Shinn
- Cathy and Lee Sing*
- Nancy† and Neill Sloan
- Cathy and Bill Spivey
- Panda and Randal Spurgin
- Staley Electric
- Mrs. Jo Stanfield
- David Steinquist
- Genevieve H. and William A.† Strong
- Roy & Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust
- Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan*
- Summit Community Care
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Taylor
- Rev. and Mrs. Sam Teague*
- Jenny and Jeremy Teeter
- Turner Snax, Inc.
- U.S. Bank
- Mary and Clef Vaughan
- Pat and James Wallis
- Alice Ann and Joe Watkins
- Debbie and Don Weaver
- Mr. Bobby Gene Willis*
- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson
- Windgate Charitable Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Duane Woltjen*
- Karen Yezzi*
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Young, Jr.
Our Corporate Partners
The Foundation offers support to Arkansans who experience abandonment, abuse, and neglect or struggle with psychiatric, behavioral, and emotional issues as they work to rebuild their lives. Our corporate partners share our goal of supporting these individuals and families who may be struggling to provide the necessities and therapeutic items essential for their healing. We welcome corporate partnerships with organizations interested in providing monetary or in-kind donations that allow us to offer immediate support to the children and families in our care. All contributions are tax-deductible and sustain the important work we do every single day.
Corporate Partner Statements